Natural gas
Apragaz has been approved for the control of natural gas installations. A check of your installation (after the meter) must be carried out before commissioning and after any modification of the installation.
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A check of your installation is required every time the meter is opened.
With regard to internal pipelines fed by natural gas, Article 48 of the Royal Decree of 28 June 1971 stipulates that the transmission system operator must ensure that the internal pipelines are close to distribution pressure from the opening of the gas meter. In addition, for new internal pipelines or new sections of internal pipelines, the distribution company will require the installer to provide a certificate showing that the pipelines comply with the applicable requirements of the relevant NBN standards.
The legal requirements are national and are based on compliance with the standards:
- NBN D 51-003: Inner ducts for natural gas and installation of consumer appliances
- NBN D 51-004: Installations for combustible gas lighter than air, divided by pipelines
- NBN B 61-001: Combustion units and chimneys
- NBN B 61-002: Central heating boilers of an effective rated output of less than 70 kW
These standards cover many aspects, such as: the choice of materials, accessories (taps, connectors), consumables, ventilation of buildings, evacuation of flue gases, tightness of the installation, etc.
It is within this framework that Apragaz, approved by the ministries for this type of control, can inform you and carry out the control.
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